The Questions and Answers found below are a digest out of many available on the Bible FAQ App and the Bible Resources website.
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Is there a special position for praying? Some say praying while standing or walking does not respect God.
Why the disciples did not recognize Jesus after his resurrection?
Is it ok to use deadly force to defend your family if all other options fail?
Who were the three wise men?
Can you explain John 10:34? What does it mean – ye are gods?
1 Corinthians 6:3 says we will judge angels. On what basis will we judge these beings?
Can anyone become a disciple of the Lord, or does it depend on whether the Lord has chosen that person first?
Where in the Bible does it say that Jesus went to hell for three days? While he was in the tomb, did he preach to the people who were in hell?
The tower of Babel could never have reached to heaven and it was short compared to today’s skyscrapers. Why did God stop those men from building it?