The Questions and Answers found below are a digest out of many available on the Bible FAQ App and the Bible Resources website.
You may also submit your own question through the links above. It will be reviewed and promptly answered to the best of our ability. The answer will be available to you and others who may be interested in the same question.
What will God`s kingdom be like?
What is the specific purpose of creation? (Philippines)
What is sin? Who is a sinner? What causes us to run away from sin? How can we overcome sin? (Cameroon)
Why do I feel empty? Can I ask God why He has forsaken me as Job asked? (South Africa)
God promised the Jewish people a home, peace, and prosperity (2 Samuel 7:10-11) but then Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD. Jews were killed and tortured by Hitler, but Israel was re-established in 1948. Today, Jews are still oppressed. Did God change his mind several times? When Messiah reigns, will God finally stop changing His mind? (United States)
What does the Bible teach about contentment? (Nigeria)
Why and how many Christians will see hell? (Tanzania)
What does it mean to be pure of heart? (United States)
What is the battle of Gog and Magog in Revelation 20:8? (Kenya)