The Questions and Answers found below are a digest out of many available on the Bible FAQ App and the Bible Resources website.
You may also submit your own question through the links above. It will be reviewed and promptly answered to the best of our ability. The answer will be available to you and others who may be interested in the same question.
In Zechariah 14:4, will the Mt. of Olives literally be split or is it a symbolic picture? (Nigeria)
Please explain Psalm 87:4. In the scripture, what is God’s plan to deal with the enemies of Israel? (Nigeria)
Please explain Daniel 8:14, “And he said to me, ‘For two thousand three hundred days, then the sanctuary shall be cleansed.’ ” (Philippines)
Is the coronavirus an “Act of God”? (United States)
Is it okay to fight?
Is it possible that God sent the corona virus just as He did with the Egyptian plagues?
Can Christians celebrate Christmas and give gifts to family and friends?
Some Christian ministers teach communion should be eaten daily for healing. Is this correct?
How do you clean your heart from all evil thoughts?