The question “If not, why not?” challenges us to reflect on why we don’t do some things in our lives. This post asks us to consider if we are living our lives for Christ Jesus like three New Testament characters, Stephen, Philip and Barnabas, did. Each served the Lord Jesus in a different way — but to the best of their ability.
Are we? If not, why not? … Read More »
Spiritual Reflections and Devotions
From time to time, we post selections from new and old gems of meditations either from our cherished writings or those of our congregation. We hope you will find encouragement in the Scriptures considered or the retelling of their living in the Lord, trusting His promises and reflecting on their experiences.
A Testimony: Just Food
A Lesson Learned from God’s Care over Me
Winters in Chicago can be long and harsh. While the cold may be hard to bear, the snow is staggeringly beautiful. Yet, the snow and ice are a constant challenge for drivers making their way through the snow. Like everyone else in the cold weather regions, we have no choice but to be out there, even in hazardous weather. Or do we? … Read More »