This new 7-chapter series carefully examines the Biblical perspective on various occult practices, including fortune-telling, witchcraft, and magic, highlighting key verses and providing insights into the Christian perspective. This comprehensive treatise aims to offer readers a clear understanding of how the Bible warns about these practices and their worrisome implications for believers in our day when these activities and actors gain visibility and notoriety. … Read More »
Many Christians seek guidance from God through prayer, expecting answers which sometimes do not come as fast or clearly as anticipated. In hopes of getting more immediate answers to questions, some Christians and non-Christians seek guidance from fortune tellers and/or spirit guides (invisible entities). … Read More »
Chapter 1: Angels and the Spirit World Explained
Angels, created by God as messengers, play an important role in His divine plan, witnessing Earth’s creation and performing the services of messengers. Some angels chose to follow Satan, becoming “fallen angels” and sometimes assuming the role “spirit guides,”, deceptive demons, and though now restrained in Tartarus, they can still deceive seekers of forbidden knowledge. A constant spiritual battle persists, with Jesus central in the conflict. Ezekiel symbolically describes Satan’s fall due to pride and desire for power. … Read More »
Chapter 2: Fortune Tellers Condemned
We delve into fortune tellers as dangerous intermediaries, with biblical warnings. Isaiah 8 urges reliance on Scriptures over consulting spiritualists or the dead, Deuteronomy 18 condemns these practices as abominable, and Isaiah 47 scorns astrology. Israel’s plunge into these dark arts in 2 Kings serves as a stark reminder of these perils. … Read More »
Chapter 3: An Old Testament Witch
We examine the story of King Saul and the Witch of Endor from 1 Samuel 28:4-25 and debunk misconceptions regarding mediums’ ability to communicate with the dead. The Bible emphasizes the deceitful nature of demonic spirits, with Satan being the father of lies (John 8:44). We are cautioned against seeking guidance from these sources in view of God’s clear prohibitions in Scripture. … Read More »
Chapter 4: New Testament Encounters
The story in Acts 16:16-19 highlights the money making nature of fortune-telling, which has continued to our day with an explosive growth in the psychic industry. The early Christian church also faced challenges from people like Simon Magus, who wanted to buy spiritual powers. Witchcraft and sorcery corrupted and distorted Christian teachings over time. … Read More »
Chapter 5: Wicca and Modern Day Witchcraft
Witchcraft involves worshiping nature instead of God, and its spells vastly differ from Christian prayer. Some practices, like “manifestation,” and white magic are opposites of Christian selflessness through the Golden Rule. Don’t underestimate magic’s dangers; seek God’s protection. Beware of infiltrators claiming to be “Christian witches.” … Read More »
Chapter 6: Spirit World Traps
Demon possession is a danger, as is attempting to cast out demons without divine intervention. Yet some individuals seek spiritual guidance or power from sources outside of biblical teachings, which contrasts with the Christian approach of seeking God’s will through scripture and prayer. We discuss the risks in activities such as using Ouija boards, practicing shamanism, and engaging in Reiki Healing, as these involve interactions with spirit entities and practices that go against biblical teachings. … Read More »
Chapter 7: Other Considerations
As we explore the Bible’s perspective on seeing the future we see that it contains prophecies, yet they are often not meant for day-to-day guidance. Instead, they serve to confirm God’s foreknowledge and strengthen faith. Paganism has had influence on Christian holidays like Christmas and Easter and caution is needed. The dangers of relying on dreams are discussed, with warnings against false prophets and dreamers. Satan is to be destroyed, and God’s righteous kingdom established on earth, where all will have the opportunity to learn and serve God, but the wicked will face second death. … Read More »