Never before in human experience has there been such a dire need for a competent ruler. We need one who is able to lead the hate-infected nations of earth out of the crosscurrents of selfishness and despair into the wholesome atmosphere of trust and goodwill. Without this there can be no lasting peace, or security, either for individuals or nations.
There are many outstanding heroes whose names and accomplishments glorify the pages of history. But none of them had to deal with such complex conditions as confront the world today, nor were their problems so numerous. Today every nation has its problems, and no one seems able to find adequate solutions. The world needs a superman, to lead it out of the chaos that has developed from two global wars. But where such a leader may be found no one will venture to say.
In the Bible, the Creator has given his people a blueprint of his plan for world peace. His Word reveals in clear terms that Jesus is the chief One in the divine arrangements for the blessing of the people.
The song of the angels on the night Jesus was born is sufficient to confirm this, for they identified him as the Savior of the world, through whom God’s goodwill would be manifested to the dying race. Those angels also prophesied that through Jesus there would come peace on earth.
But who is Jesus, and what are his characteristics? What reasons have we for believing he meets all the qualifications needed to restore peace to the chaotic world? We know no better way of finding the answers to these questions than to examine the prophecies and promises in the Word of God which speak of him and of his qualifications. As we do this, the plan of God itself, as it relates to Jesus, His son, will unfold before us in all its glorious harmony and beauty. … Read More »
Death is an overwhelming tragedy. It is so different from other calamities of life. When other misfortunes strike, there is hope that things will get better. If poverty comes, one works harder, and hopes for better times. When sickness occurs, there is hope that health will soon return. But death is the supreme tragedy. It seems so hopeless, so very final, the end of everything. … Read More »