Welcome to our Winter 2015 Newsletter!
Newsletter: Scriptures Admonish Separation of Church & Government
The fact that Pope Francis, as head of state, addressed the joint sessions of Congress on September 24, 2015 was an unprecedented event in U.S. history. Time Magazine, July 24, 2015 stated: “With a Catholic vice president, six Catholic Supreme Court justices, a Catholic Speaker of the House, and a large number of Catholics in Congress, the golden age of Catholicism in American politics has arrived. This [address to congress] would have been unimaginable just a few decades ago.” And, indeed, it is unimaginable considering this country was founded upon the principle that church should remain separate from government. Jesus stated emphatically to his disciples that his Kingdom was not of this world. (John 18:36) Since that time, Jesus’ faithful followers have been waiting patiently for this Kingdom and its rightful head — remaining separate from the politics of the world
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Booklet Offer: "Church Union & The Antichrist" (Coupon Limit Reached, Download Available)
Christian unity between denominations is a popular subject in the world today. The purpose of this booklet is to relate the subject of church union with God’s plan over a large span of time. Jesus’ parable of the wheat and tares is examined in the light of history, seeing that both a true and false church has existed through the ages. The fall of “Babylon” is examined and the call to “Come out of her my people” is explained (Rev. 18:4)
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Sermon Recording: "Church and State"
An informative discourse by the late Chicago Bible Students elder Carl Hagensick on the subject of a Christian's position on political involvement.
- How deeply should a sincere believing Christian become involved in the politics of the countries in which they live?
- Should Christians run for elected offices?
- Should Christians become involved in campaigning for candidates for office?
- How should Christians make their positions known on the various issues that have religious connotations?
- Should Christians vote?