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Millions of copies of the Christian classic book, The Divine Plan of the Ages, have been printed and circulated throughout the world in over thirty languages. It has brought joy and peace to the hearts of countless readers as they came to understand that our great Creator is a God of love who has designed a plan that will ultimately bless every man, woman and child that has ever lived!
Our new booklet God's Grand Plan of the Ages captures the highlights of the above more comprehensive book. Though brief in nature, this 96-page booklet shares a satisfying explanation of age-old questions: Why does a God of love permit the evil we see in the world? Why are there tsunamis and earthquakes that kill thousands—and wars that kill millions? Why must we experience pain, heartache and finally death? When will God's Kingdom come and His will be "done on earth as it is in heaven"? God's Grand Plan of the Ages also covers the signs of the "Time of the End" prophesied in the book of Daniel (Daniel 12:1-4). Daniel's prediction that knowledge would be increased is happening before our very eyes as we see the Brain Age advancing at an unprecedented rate. Though technology has been a blessing in many ways, man's selfishness and greed is also leading the world to an ever increasing "time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation." What a comfort to know that this trouble is a prophetic sign indicating that we are on the brink of the "Golden Age" that mankind has longed for since the dawn of history! God's Kingdom will be more wonderful, more glorious, more all encompassing than all the dreams of philosophers, poets and sages.
There will be a world of peace (Psalm 46:9).
The healing of all the defects of humanity (Isaiah 35:5,6).
Moral integrity will be planted in every heart (Jeremiah 31:33).
All the dead of past ages will be raised to life again (1 Cor. 15:22).
Sorrow, pain, tears and death itself will cease (Revelation 21:4).
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him" (1 Corinthians 2:9) We hope you will receive a blessing from reading this booklet. We also recommend reading The Divine Plan of the Ages, available FREE on a DVD offered on the back of the booklet. It is but the first book in a series of six that covers every major doctrine of the Bible as a topical study with a harmony that is unprecedented in Christian literature. This six-volume set is also available FREE on the DVD—or at cost as a hard bound edition.
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A PDF version can be found here.