The Reformation of the sixteenth century is, next to the introduction of Christianity, the greatest event in history.
The Reformation - a replay of our public lecture from Oct.29, 2017
In this service we are taking a high-level look at the causes of the reformation, the periods of the reformation, and the development of the translations of the Bible as both a cause and an effect of the reformation. We will also trace the development of the different denominations since the reformation period. We will also look at some of the major theological differences between the reformers and the Catholic Church.
Antichrist: The Counterfeit Heaven
Prophetic passages in Scripture give a clear description of the beginning, prosperity and decline of The Antichrist. Other titles given in the New Testament of this ominous character are The Man of Sin, That Wicked One, Mystery of Iniquity, The Son of Perdition and The Beast. Our Lord refers to this same character as The Abomination of Desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet. In Daniel’s prophetic vision, this same character was also prefigured by a little horn, or power which grew out of a terrible beast and made war with the saints—the true children of God (Daniel 7:8, 21). The book of Revelation details symbolic prophecies concerning this same Antichrist figure. It portrays a cruel, beast-like character—subtle, hypocritical, deceptive, and tyrannical.
It is important to fix the concept in our minds that this Man of Sin, this Antichrist, is NOT a single individual. The Man of Sin is more accurately described as a system which began its gradual development in the early Church (as the Apostle Paul wrote the Mystery of Iniquity doth already work) and would be revealed before the Lord’s second advent.
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FREE Booklet Offer: "Can We Identify the Antichrist"
Few subjects have intrigued the student of prophecy more than the Antichrist—“Man of Sin.” Small wonder, all Bible-believing Christians with the Apostle John long to be united with our Heavenly Bridegroom at his return, the event which will bring the satisfying grand fulfillment of “that blessed hope” (Titus 2:13). Excited by Paul’s clue in 2 Thessalonians 2:8 that the Man of Sin must first be revealed before Christ returns, speculation on the identity of this mysterious figure has always been intense.
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500 Anniversary of the Reformation
It all started with the words of Luther. These words were set down in the form of 95 nailed on the door of the church in Wittemburg, Germany on October 29, 1517. These words changed the course of history.
This video provides a review of this event from many scriptural and historical angles.