The Lord’s last supper of bread and wine as read in Luke 22: 19, 20 was Jesus’ way of teaching his apostles what they must do to be his true followers. Jesus specifically said, “Do this in remembrance of me,” after he had broken the bread and passed it out.
This memorial of our Lord’s Supper serves as a solemn reminder of Christ’s death and what it means to be a sharer in that death. Anyone who has made a vow to follow in Christ’s footsteps and live a life doing the will of God qualifies to take the Lord’s Supper.
When Jesus told his apostles to eat the bread and drink the wine, he was telling them that by partaking in that supper, they were symbolically committing to share in his walk, and thus his sufferings. 1 Corinthians 10:16 says: “Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ?”
Jesus had called out (and continues to call out) a select group of followers who are willing to set aside their own ambitions and worldly aims. Those willing to become selfless in order that they may glorify Christ in all that they do, live for Christ and not their own selves.
If we truly follow in Christ’s footsteps, then we will strive as hard as we can to be like him. He gave everything to his Heavenly Father because of his love for his Father and for the whole world of mankind. We, too, should want to put everything aside to please our Heavenly Father. Those who are daily striving to do this may partake in the Lord’s Supper as an outward manifestation of what has taken place in their hearts.