Does GOD care about the suffering of His Creation?
God has a plan to bless ALL PEOPLE and to bring an end to all suffering, pain, and evil. Revelation 21:4
Will there be any benefit from our hard experiences with suffering and pain?
These experiences will help us learn to make the best choices in the future. Ecclesiastes 3:10
Will there ever be World Peace?
Peace will prevail on the earth. All wars shall cease. Isaiah 2:4; Psalm 46:9
Will Death ever cease?
The hope of the resurrection means all shall live again. Death itself will be destroyed. John 5:25; 1 Corinthians 15:26
Will crime and violence ever be stopped?
No one will be able to hurt anyone else. Psalm 37:9-11; Isaiah 65:25
Will we ever know freedom from fear?
All causes for fear, anxiety, and distress will eventually be eliminated. Isaiah 25:7-9
Will the Earth we live on continue to be inhabited?
The earth will be restored to its intended condition of health and vitality. Isaiah 45:18; 35:
You are part of God's Plan.
The Best is yet to come...
FREE Booklet Offer: "What is this World Coming to..."
The world events of this last decade of the Twentieth Century were like the thunderclaps of a gathering storm—such as there never was. What do these ominous rumblings of society portend? And is there any hope for the world on the other side of this imminent and promisingly furious storm’?
With the collapse of the communist camp in Russia and Eastern Europe, the cold war ended. But the era of assured peace was soon eclipsed by the Middle East crisis. The Third World Nations have become armed camps of instability that pose a continual threat to world peace. Since the nineties, the United States has carried a record debt and with recurring economic recessions (...)
Is it any wonder that so many ask, ‘‘What is this world coming to?’’ Some go further and reason, ‘‘If there is a God who cares, why does He permit all of this trouble?"
(US Addresses Only)