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Newsletter: A Christian's Morals
End time prophecy indicates that at the time of the Lord’s second advent, activities among people would be much like that of Sodom and Gomorrah. (Genesis 18:20-19:28) The Apostle Paul stated of our time: “in the last days... men (people) will be lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God...” (See 2 Timothy 3:1-7) Knowing that the times in which we live would bring great pressure upon Christians to be influenced by worldly thinking, the Apostle Peter admonished Christians, “Seeing that all these things shall be dissolved [this present evil world] what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness?” (2 Peter 3:11)
As we see that this present social structure is being dissolved, it is timely for Christians to reset their moral clocks, so to speak, in order to evaluate whether they have allowed the moral standards of the world to be their guide, or whether they have continued in the only safe path of righteousness—that which is laid out in the Word of God. “...seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the Lord’s anger.” (Zephaniah 2:3)
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Online Booklet Offer: "What is this World Coming to..."
The world events of this last decade of the Twentieth Century were like the thunderclaps of a gathering storm—such as there never was. What do these ominous rumblings of society portend? And is there any hope for the world on the other side of this imminent and promisingly furious storm’?
With the collapse of the communist camp in Russia and Eastern Europe, the cold war ended. But the era of assured peace was soon eclipsed by the Middle East crisis. The Third World Nations have become armed camps of instability that pose a continual threat to world peace. Since the nineties, the United States has carried a record debt and with recurring economic recessions (...)
Is it any wonder that so many ask, ‘‘What is this world coming to?’’ Some go further and reason, ‘‘If there is a God who cares, why does He permit all of this trouble?"
FREE Booklet Offer*: "Hope for a Fear-Filled World"
*We have run out of stock on "What's this World Coming To" booklets and are, instead, offering a FREE copy of "Hope for the Fear-Filled World"
One of God’s prophets, declared that “the desire of all nations shall come.”(Hag. 2:7) All nations desire peace; they desire security against aggression; they desire prosperity for their people; and the Prophet David declares of earth’s new king, Christ Jesus, that “he shall judge the poor of the people, he shall save the children of the needy, and shall break in pieces the oppressor.”—Ps. 72:4
Order one FREE Copy (US Addresses Only)
Sermon Recording: "Homosexuality in Biblical Perspective"
A Chicago Bible Students elder, bro. Carl Hagensick discusses this topic by covering eight Bible Scriptures that deal with homosexuality.